DDC-035 “Hair Organizer”

DDC-035 “Hair Organizer”
Product Description:
I mean, come on, who uses a comb anymore? All the reason to make these suckers. We’re always trying to get our act together, so, this one just might be the kick in the ass we need. Maybe not. Nevertheless, we’ll look good trying. Debatable.
Each comb comes with a weird vinyl case to protect the thing from dust mites or stray particles of Gold Bond ball powder that might be wafting around inside your travel case. Moms, you need one for that yer kid’s “first day of school” portrait. Fathers, you need it for that “wicked-ass set of sideburns” you are growing out.
Simple design, with one half of the comb’s bristles dedicated to “getting things into order” and the other half, slightly tighter in formation, dedicated to “fine tuning” that mess up above.
Good for back pockets, travel cases or the glove box of yer car minutes before that next big job interview. Tonsorially speaking: “You need one of these.”
Some Action Shots Around the Shop:
01. Aaron gets ready for a high-profile client meeting.
02. Forgash figures out his “bang situation.”
03. When we say, “Mustache Maintenence,” we fuckin’ mean it!
04. Aaron works out a snarl in Nakamoto’s mane.
How we’ve talked about this comb in the past: Now Combing: The “DDC Hair Organizer!”
Product Details:
01. Unbreakable plastic pocket comb! Says it on the comb and everything.
02. 1-color imprint of “Dandruff Flake White” hot-pressed into “Lube Grease Black.”
03. 5" (W) × 1" (H) × 1/8" (D) in dimension.
04. One size fits all cowlicks, tangles, embarrassing featherings or towering coifs.
04. Fine tooth and loose tooth bristles.
05. Smooth plastic.
06. Weird vinyl protective case.
07. Looks good in a medicine chest, or pocket on your Jordache jeans.
08. Easy to use.
09. Durable. Will outlast you and your first born.
10. Fits in all pockets. Let us be bold and recommend the “back” pocket.
11. For all hair types.
12. Proudly manufactured and printed in the U.S.A.