Wesley Clark

My NMC buddy Cameron Barrett has had many interesting jobs over the years. He had a run in politics in the early 2000s with the John Kerry campaign, and then in 2004 for General Wesley Clark.

I remember calling me and saying, “Dude, General Clark needs a logo. Help.” Something quick like that. To the point. And that night I took a look at the other candidate’s logos and lawn signs and went to work. And I remember sending it off that night to Cam, excited to see if they’d be interested in any of it.

And the next day, I have a busy day at Cinco didn’t hear any news about the Clark logo. I finally get ahold of Cam later that night and ask him, “Were they into any of that?” And he answers back, “They put in an order for 20,000 water bottles today!”

And just like that, I had made a logo for General Wesley Clark.


General Wesley Clark
for President

Project Details:
01. Identity for politcal campaign.
02. As directed by Cameron Barrett.
03. 2004.