I remember calling Adam Zacks while in Iowa, and pulling over in a cornfield, while Dana Lechtenberg and I were racing over to Dubuque for a gig. Called him back to accept the gig!
Adam Zacks does one hell of a service for the Northwest. All those years making Sasquatch come to life? Pretty amazing, and such a daunting task. Highly-organized and kind is a lethal mixture. It was great to work for him and his team on the 2013 Sasquatch! Festival.
I went in 2003 to see the Flaming Lips, as well as Calexico, Kathleen Edwards, Death Cab for Cutie, Modest Mouse and My Morning Jacket.
To come a decade later and see my work plastered all over the place? One of the coolest days of my life. Got to share it with Leigh, Brad and Bailee. We went “as far backstage as one could go” back there.
Thank you, Adam Zacks!
Sasquatch! Festival 2013
Project Details:
01. Logo/wordmark kit for website, merch and wayfinding around the event.
02. Concert poster with band line-up.
03. Screen printed in Seattle, Wash.
04. Memorial Day Weekend, May 24-27, 2013.
Concert Poster - "Yakima Yellow" Variant.
“Northwest Night”, “Bellevue Blue”, “Gorge Green” and mitt placement for Red Fang.
All access wrist band. Which we abused, of course. Went as far backstage as one could go.
12,666 pt Kabel Black!