United States
Postal Service
I’m down in Atlanta at the 2016 HOW Conference. Leigh and I are being BLASTED by campers at our merch table. I meet this gaggle of young ladies in my receiving line at the end of the table and they say, “We’re big fans of your work at the USPS!" Your work is all over our mood boards!” I notice their passes say, “United States Postal Service” as the group they are representing, so emphatically take my shot: “You guys work for the USPS?! And my work is in your offices? Well hell, why don’t you CALL ME for a stamp design?!”
For many years up to this point, I was so excited to see Jessica Hische’s incredible “Love” 2012 stamp, Tyler Lang of Always With Honor’s stunning “Coastal Birds” 2015 stamp and Invisible Creature’s fire-breathing “Dragons” 2018 stamp out in the world. And how they were getting calls up to the USPS stamp leagues! Was so proud of my colleagues! But how the hell was I going to get my meat foot in the stamp door?
And here I was talking with real, live, breathing USPS designers! This was my moment! So I bring them in nice and close and say, “It’s my graphic design dream to make a stamp. Please please please consider me!”
And a couple weeks later, I get an email from one Greg Breeding of the Journey Group in Charlottesville, Virg. He introduces himself and his agency, and says he’s a fan of my work!
And at the end of the note he says, “I'd love to talk to you about working together on some stamp projects. I have two or three in mind, but wanted to at least introduce myself and get the ball rolling if you're interested.”
Interested? OF COURSE!!!
Interested? OF COURSE!!!
Just a couple days later, Greg tasks me with doing explorations for “Alzheimers” and ”PTSD Awareness” stamp concepts. I dig in right away and arm him with stuff to run up the flag pole. I can’t tell you how excited I was to be this close to a fella who had made so many incredible stamps.
Interested? OF COURSE. So I feverishly write him right back, but this is a Sunday. I can’t contain myself. He writes me back and includes his phone number and with his permission I call him that day and UNLOAD my dream on the poor man.
And he was so kind and we hit it off. Greg took my punishing assault in stride and I point-by-point laid out my case of how much I’d be honored to do a stamp.
And also got a conversation going about a patriotic stamp. I showed him a couple samples of existing “stars & stripes” designs, and he’d dig up things I did here and there and we had a starting point, but had to put it on ice.
We tried a number of explorations for the “Alzheimers” and ”PTSD Awareness” directions, but sadly nothing took. Folks were interested and they were being passed around. And Greg was very patient explaining this is how the stuff could go with the layer and layer of the USPS.
The summer, fall, and winter went by working on the two concepts, and in May of 2017 Greg hit me up to tear into a patriotic stamp. I was on the the book tour going nuts and time was tight. Each night after the show, back in the hotel room and Leigh crashed out, I’d dig in.
Over a week I had a mess to start refining. For my first official “patriotic “volley, I delivered a VERY SPIRITED first-round presentation of 40 different comps. I went nuts. This was my shot of shots!
Within a month there were a handful of my stamps the top brass were interested in, honing in on one finalist.
We tuned it and tuned it, submitted it and the waiting game began. Contracts, paperwork, hemming and hawing on my part, and a year of pins and needles. And Greg was awesome along the way, updating me on its progress at each step in its approval journey.
My very first official stamp for America, the 2019 “Star Ribbon” stamp came out on March 22, 2019!
I’d like to dedicate the stamp to our mailman Phong, who emigrated from Vietnam to the States when he was a little boy. Considering the divisions and upheaval in America over the last decade, it’s paramount that we keep in mind that we are a nation of immigrants.
Thank you, Greg Breeding and the good people of the Journey Group!
(I also owe a debt of gratitude to Tyler and Elsa Lang from Always With Honor. They put in a good word to Greg about me, and I’ll forever appreciate their kindness and nod.)
And Hey:
01. Here’s a cool post by the incomparable Jason Kottke!
02. On the mighty Uncrate!
03. Check out where this all started with my series of “Stars & Bars” stamp-inspired mini prints: Check them out here!
USPS “Star Ribbon”
Forever Stamp, 2019
Here are the three Instagram posts we made for the launch of the stamp:
02. “AND IT’S OUT”
Project Details:
01. Issue Date: March 22, 2019.
02. Issue City: Oakbrook Terrce, Ill.
03. Art Director: Greg Breeding, Journey Group, Charlottesville, Virg.
04. Designer: Aaron Draplin, Portland, Ore.
05. Modeler: Sandra Lane/Michelle Finn.
06. Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint.
07. Printer: Banknote Corporation of America.
08. Printed at: Browns Summit, N. Car.
09. Stamps Per Coil: 10,000.
10. Print Quantity: 400,000,000.
USPS “Star Ribbon Stamp.”
USPS “Star Ribbon Stamp” 20-stamp sheet.
First Day of Issue commemorative patch.
Patch detail.
The first cancelled stamp that showed up in our mailbox.
First Day Cover.
Whoa…who’s driving on this one? Ease up on the Photoshoppery!
USPS “Star Ribbon” Stamp
First Day of Issue Ceremony
Each stamp that comes out has a “First Day of Issue” ceremony. The “Star Ribbon” stamp ceremony had officials decked out in their uniforms and even had a couple dancers doing an interpretive dance for the stamp. Would’ve been cool to see that one up close. But oddly, I wasn’t invited. Would’ve been a real hoot to get up there and tell the crowd EXACTLY what I thought of the Combover-in-Chief at the time.
Check out these two “Star Ribbon” champions!
USPS “Star Ribbon” Stamp
Realease Day Festivities!
From our Instagram post on May 22, 2019: ”Got up this morning here in Breckenridge, excited as hell. Today was the day! Leigh and I raced to the Breck post office to see if they had them in stock, and got shut down, but, procured a phone number for the postmaster in Frisco. I called and a bit puzzled with my excitement, he checked and confirmed they had them in stock. We raced down to Frisco, pulled in, parked and ran in.
Eileen helped me with the order. Of course, I wanted to pop for the “10,000 stamp $5500 set,” but will have to sleep on it. I did however grab five sheets of 20, snapped a quick pic, got a handshake, and zipped back out into the world on the edge of tears: MY NAME IS AARON JAMES DRAPLIN, AND I GOT TO MAKE A STAMP FOR AMERICA!”
“Star Ribbon” Frolic Around Portland
Presenting the stamp to our mail guy Phong!
Making friends down at my local post office!
USPS “Drug Free USA”
Forever Stamp, 2020
When I got the chance to design what would become the “Star Ribbon” stamp, I went a little overboard and submitted a grip of options. After the Star Ribbon made the cut, they kept a couple options on ice for future stamps. This is one of those iterations, tuned up for the “Drug Free USA” stamp.
A pleasant surprise to see it come to life, with hopes of raising awareness for those who need help with substance use disorder treatment and mental health services.
Project Details:
01. Issue Date: October 27, 2020.
02. Issue City: Washington, DC.
03. Art Director: William J. Gicker, Washington, DC.
04. Designer: Greg Breeding, Journey Group, Charlottesville, Virg.
05. Artist: Aaron Draplin, Portland, Ore.
06. Modeler: Joseph Sheeran.
07. Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint.
08. Printer: Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd. (APU).
09. Stamps Per Pane: 20.
10. Print Quantity: 20,000,000.
First Day Cover.
First Day Cover Digital Color Postmark.