Man…or Astro-Man?
If I’ve learned anything, when Henry Owings calls you up to the big leagues, before you go and swear off any semblance of friendship you’ve enjoyed up to that point, remain calm and hear him out. Cuz when he called with this Man…or Astro-Man? project, as each sentence rolled out of his slop hole, the project sounded cooler and cooler. I was ready to tell that Georgia peach to take a hike. But by the grace of Bun E. Carlos, I hung in there and got to roll up my sleeves for Chunklet and Man Or Astro Man! Out-of-this-world awesome!
Man…or Astro-Man? -
Analog Series Vol.1-3
Release Details:
01. Released on Chunklet Recordings.
02. Hitting record stores on August 12, 2012.
03. Catalog No. “CHK7 001-003.”
Project Details:
01. Recorded by Steve Albini at Electrical Audio!
02. Cut direct-to-lacquer at Chicago Mastering Service.
03. Designed the vinyl sleeve and record label.
04. Directed by Henry Owings at Chunklet.
Analog Series Vol. 1-3 colorways.