Poler Goods
It was hard to watch Poler go away. I loved rooting for my buddies Benji and Kharma and their unorthodox outdoor brand. Was so refreshing to watch it take off! Their creativity, spirit and accessibility changed the way I looked at how a brand could operate and exist on their own scrappy terms. My favorite part was that any rat kid out there could get a cool backpack for $60. Finally, wit and humor could hold it’s own with wicking or whatever you call it.
I got to make a couple graphics for Benji and see them floating around on kids from time to time, and get a clack in my sack each time, if you know what I’m saying. And in my napsack, too!
And here’s my favorite memory about working for Poler: Due to my musk ox level of girth and abundance of flesh, Benji tracked me down a XXXL napsack! I love that thing and will forever love the guy for accommodating my pleasantly plump mode.
It’s been cool to see them get back at, and be sure to check out all their fun stuff at poler.com.
Poler Goods
T-Shirt & Patch Designs
Project Details:
01. Graphics for whatever Poler’s little heart wanted to use these on.
02. As directed by Benji Weatherly.
03. 2014.
“Mountain Rainbow”
“Thick Lines Cyclops”
“Snapback Patches”