Curated Collections
You took the time to build the collection, so why hide it? Get the shit out there for everyone to learn from. Share it! Here are a couple collections from over the years.
Vintage Tape Measures
Back in 2008 I went on an aggressive hoarding run and procured close to 100 vintage tape measures. From garage sales, junk stores and choice scores off eBay. The badges, typography, finishes and pocket-sized beauty of each of these contraptions was intoxicating. And, their timeless durability offered many lessons. Simply put, they still did the job. The beautiful photography below is by our friend Neil Dacosta. He brought them to life!

Stanley “Push-Pull” No. 346 Rule.
Open Reel “Hand Crank” Rule Measures

Tape Measure & Rule Measure
Web Site Comps
After Neil got the shots done, like I always do, I bit off a little more than I could chew. I whipped up a couple website comps and hit up a couple web developers to see if they could bring this quickie site to life for me, and easily. I don’t know what it is with web developers and their cocky dispositions, but I kind of got laughed out of the room when I showed these comps. I’d plead, “Just build it in simple HTML, like the Pojman site.” And of course, it’s always fashionable to shit on that kind of spared-down, primitive code. And here’s the kicker: As easy as it would have been to build, they still didn’t pull it off for me. Frustrated, I gave up on it.
Cuz here’s the thing, when you go look at the ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE “Pojman Pocket Protector Collection”—and before you pounce on its ’90s-era web design—understand the beauty of the site is simply this: It works. Sure, it doesn’t have the latest web tricks and doohickies, but it’s stood the test of time all these years.
At least I got these beautiful specimens up on this site! Enjoy!
Adventure People Logos
Some of my earliest memories involve Adventure People. I remember those logos! Th “T.V. Action Team?” Come on, now. The best. Here’s a list to the whole collection.