In the spirit of complete transparency, I have to tell you I was a little nervous doing these spreads for this Chantry story in Print.
Art Chantry—to me and so many others—is a fuckin’ monolith in design, and you should give respect for the work he made all those years, and continues to make. Crusty, clever and witty. I learned many lessons from his use of break-all-the-rules typograp[hy, form degradation and low brow beauty. A true original.
But I had heard the stories. So I was a little nervous to meet him in Portland this one time, but those fears were INSTANTLY DISSIPATED by a warm, funny, genuine guy from Tacoma. Such a cool moment.
Somewhere along the road, someone pulled me aside and said, “Art wasn’t down with the pee stuff.” Huh? What? For the record: I was told the whole “Pee-Pee” thing was approved by Art! He wrote the thing! Was all in good, clean piss-splashing fun, Art….I swear to ya!
Read this article, then go buy some of his amazing posters, book(s) and every damned Estrus record lucky enough to have Art design!
Print Magazine
Print Magazine
“Art Chantry” Feature
Project Details:
01. Layout design for Print Magazine.
02. As directed by Adam Ladd and Debbie Millman.
03. 2015.
Spread 1.
Spread 2.
Spread 3.
Meeting Art at Powell’s
City of Books, 2015
This was a cool night. Art did his classic talk with the slide carousel and all that. Awesome! I was kind of afraid to meet him, but rest assured he was gentle as a little lamb, and signed all my records and shit! Thank you, Art Chantry! Leigh took the shot!