DDC Logo Graveyard

It’s weird how its controversial to “show a lot of logos” to a client. I’ve listened to self-anointed experts, branding gurus and insufferable influencers waxing AT GRATUITOUS LENGTH about how wrong it is to show a bunch of stuff. Hey, we’re not all Saul Bass, you know? It’s a process. If I’m feeling, I like to show the stuff. Maybe there’s a kernel of possibility someone else sees or a move worth exploring. I like showing the stuff, simply for this reason: I want the client to feel the excitement I feel in the moment. We’re in this together, so let’s act that way and get them engaged in the process. In the end? It’s not for me. It’s for someone else, so you better be respectful of the magical part of making someone fall in love with something they’ll be using to represent themselves, their brand or what-have-you.

But of course, I’ll be forever freaked out by how many logos get lost in the mix. It’s just part of the deal.

So in this section we dig up those old logos and get them back out into the light. They are better here, rather than being buried in some file in some long-forgotten folder.

AND HEY: We’re always down with repurposing these things. Logo iterations die on the vine, and some are just ITCHING to become something! Maybe there’s a move in one of these that can become something completely new? See something? Say something. Hit me up here and we can discuss possibilities.