Wired Magazine
Various graphics for Wired magazine.
Can’t say I’m all that tuned into tech news and the latest apps and gadgets. Slower than molasses uphill in the deaf of winter, it took me about six months to get into the first iPod and a little longer to get that first iPhone. Embarrassing, right? Hell, it was a year until I did my first tweet?
But that hesitation has EVERYTHING to do with what I witnessed FIRST HAND in the Spring of 2000 in San Francisco.
I was there seeing my buddy Cameron, who got a job doing coding for the “next big thing” product or agency, or whatever the hell it was. And I got a tour of this big, bloated office right up to the feet of this big build-in two-story box thing they had built for the place. With notches cut out to climb around in, all covered in green astroturf. Long story short, the thing was uncomfortable, took up a ton of space and I’m betting it was a pretty penny to have whatever cadre of yahoos come in to build it. No one used the thing. And that freaked me out. Just a couple months later, they were out of business, and everyone was stealing chairs from the place. Something like that.
That said, I’ve always been a little skeptical of the tech world.
As these words go to print, my iPhone is charged precisely to 7%.
Wired “Breaking News” Illustration
Project Details:
01. Article illustrations for Wired magazine.
02. As directed by Christy Sheppard.
03. 2009.
Wired “Medical Icons” Icons
Project Details:
01. Medical icons for Wired magazine.
02. As directed by Margaret Swart.
03. 2010.
Wired “Tested & Rated” Logo
Project Details:
01. Summer product reviews issue badge for Wired magazine.
02. As directed by Christy Shepard.
03. 2010.
Wired “Coal Article”
Directional Tags
Project Details:
01. Tag for coal article in Wired magazine.
02. As directed by William Sorrentino.
03. 2014.
Wired “White House”
Project Details:
01. Illustration for Wired magazine.
02. As directed by Raul Aguila.
03. 2016.