Lauren Draplin
My mom.
I’m so proud of what I wrote about Mom in my book and feel a little deflated saying, “Go read about Mom in my book.” But I kind of nailed it there! Yeah, go read her section in the book. I’m proud of those pages. My mom’s a real good time kind of gal. At 79, she’s still going to concerts with her girlfriends! Jackson Browne parking lot! Crack me another beer! In all seriousness, my mom instilled a love of music, a centered approach to decision-making, wanderlust for traveling and the art of slowing down to savor the moment, or how not to twist your ankle in my middle age. “You have to watch your steps, Aaron.” I know, I know. I’m lucky to have the mom I have. Thankful each day for her. Supportive, positive, funny, level-headed and a formidable beast on the Scrabble board.
Legal Name:
Lauren Colleen (Steele) Draplin.
June 17, 1945.
“Laurie” during our Central Lake times.
Detroit, Mich.
Current Town:
Howell, Mich.
Would Like To Live In:
“Paradise, but I don’t know where that is.”
Favorite food:
Ice cream.
Favorite Movie:
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
Favorite Book:
The dictionary! Any dictionary.
Favorite Band:
All things Jackson Browne.
Favorite Memory as a Kid:
“My Aunt Joan and I sitting on a couch on Christmas Eve, and her telling about Santa Claus. I must’ve dozed off, because I remember dreaming so vividly about hims coming straight through the door. I might’ve been five or six.”
Relationship to Aaron:
His mom! Finest one in the world, at that.
Picnic lunch with Dad, Detroit, 1969.
The finest secretary at Dodge Main, a division of Chrysler, 1965.
Draplin family supper outing, Central Lake, Mich., 1981. (Forced hair styling by Dad on me.)
That look after completely kicking my ass in Scrabble.
Jacob, Sarah, Dad, Oliver, Lead, Aaron and Mom, Wilderness Office, 2008.