Topaz Farm

When they call you up to design a corn maze, YOU DESIGN THE CORN MAZE. And my first was done for the mighty Topaz Farm out on beautiful Sauvie Island here in Portland, Ore.

I know Kat Topaz from the design scene in Portland. First off, I know of her and her storied career in town as a creative director. Met her at a design jam thing years ago, and became fast friends.

When Kat hit me up in the summer of 2022, I instantly dug in, just so excited. Some projects just don’t feel like “work,” and this is one of those. Each line was six feet, and thinking about how humans would move through this was fascinating.

Check the aerial photo below! Absolutely one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. To go ripping around that maze? I was leaving a trail of breadcrumbs and writing wills and shit.

Thank you, Kat & Jim!


Topaz Farm
Corn Maze, 2022

Project Details:
01. Corn maze design for Sauvie Island farm.
02. As directed by Kat & Jim Topaz.
03. 2022.