Loose Affiliations
AND what a colorful roster of colleagues, constituents, co-conspirators, curmudgeons and cretins this list is! Our cream of the cream. The wheat separated from the chaff. The wind beneath our wings. The moisture in our chafe. We wrestled with how to spill the regions out below, landing on a “where I began my life, then first moved to, then moved to, then settled in…” and then flow them accordingly after that. Born and raised in Michigan, moved to Oregon, up to Alaska, over to Minneapolis, down to California and back up to Oregon.
AND LET IT BE KNOWN: If any of you miscreants so much as look at me sideways with one joule of stank in your heart for the DDC, and we’ll cut you from the entire DDC enterprise. How about ’dem apples?
AND—UH-OH—AND: if I miffed any photographers pilfering images for this section like I did, hit me up and I’ll do my level best to make it up to you. I couldn’t help myself seeing my friends outfitted in your delicious pixels!
AND, AND & AND: If you find yourself below and DON’T like the shot I loaded up? Let me know and we’ll get what the shot you want up. Want to be removed? Well shit, we need to talk about deeper issue.
AND, AND, AND ONE MORE AND: I’m pretty sure I left some folks out, simply due to them being buried in a different strain of emails, but are no less valuable in my little life. Get at me! I’ll make it right!
Michigan Miscreants


Oregon Obfuscators

Washington Waywards

Alaska Thunderfucks

Idaho Spuds / Wyoming Wangs

Minnesota Not-So-Nicers

California Crumb Bums

Nevada Ne’er-Do-Wells

Utah Wasatch Warriors

Arizona Diamonback Smoochers

Montana Meat Farts

Colorado Caitiffs

Dueling Dakotas, Nebraskie, Kans-ass and Even A Little Missourah

Wisconsin Wringwraiths

Iowa Reprobates

Oklahoma Dustbowl Demons

Texas Toast Tarantulas

Chicago Hot Dog Condiments

Indiana Two-Bit Hoosiers


Kentucky Derby Droppings

New England Maple Syrup Burps

New York City Pizza Rats, Wafting East Across the State

Mid-Atlantic Hoagies

Southern by the Grace of Odd

Florida Man, and Florida Woman

Canadian Bacon

Interpol’s Most Wanted