Updated Our Identity Pages
WE MAKE LOGOS, FOR ALL KINDS OF THINGS: And we updated our "Work" section with another Identity page. You know, proof that at some point, the rubber meets the road. Or, the vector meets the paper. Or something like that. You get my drift. Here it is again, in case you missed it a couple sentences ago: Identity Page No. 01 of the Draplin Design Co. Work section.- - - -BOUGHT TWO SETS: One for me. One for Dad. Cool shit. Spotted over on the very dangerous Svpply.com. My wallet starts to throb when I'm on that site. Just lethal.And what the fuck, Hillerns? You trying to bankrupt us? Everything you post on there falls into the category of "you need this, now." Warn us, or something.- - - -SOME HUMOR FOR YOU: Funny food packages. Loads of laughs. Some levity, after you spend whatever you had saved for rent on Svpply shit.- - - -ROCK ADS USED TO BE PRETTY BOSS: A trip through old Billboard magazines. Pretty awesome. Dig around in there. (Sent in by Aaron Hilst. Thanks!)- - - -LET THIS INSPIRE YOU, DETROIT: At least I know Nick Parish is coming to my talk. All the goddamned way from New York City! (An up-an-coming hamlet on the Eastern Seaboard.)Other Michigan-based luminaries who've signed on: P.J. Chmiel, Andy Maniotes, Unca Mike, Unca Kevin, Unca Terry, Aunt Mary, Auntie Barbara, Uncle Tom Who Squeezes Feet and Reilly Brennan's Beautiful Bride.You too could be on that list. Get it together. If you are reading these words, and are within a 1,750 mile radius of Detroit, well, frankly, there's just no excuse. We'll see you there.- - - -
REQUIRED READING, FIELD NOTES USERS: The Art of Manliness tackles "The Manly Tradition of the Pocket Notebook" and we have to say, rather well. Read this, then, buy some Field Notes. Some good history here.