15-Megabyte Hard Disk Drive
OLD BYTES: Here's a cool set called, "30 Old PC Ads That Will Blow Your Processor." Consider our processor "blown."Our family didn't have a computer growing up. Dad made stuff out of wood. Mom made baskets. I had Legos and Stars Wars guys and stuff like that. Friends had video games and computers. It was always a treat to spend the night somewhere and have techy stuff to play with. So this collection, all these years later, feels futuristic and like, odd. Just sayin'.- - - -BE CAREFUL IN THERE: An impressive "Commodore Computer Advertising" gallery. A dangerous link. One that could send you off into the dark depths of the "Not Getting A Fucking Thing Done" universe. Remember to "Save."- - - -BEEN WATCHING LOTS OF THIS: Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. I love this shit. It's a big universe and I like to freak myself out exploring the cosmos.- - - -HERE'S ONE YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS: Karen Horton's incredible collection of stamps.Here's our favorites:01. Colombia postage stamp: OEA02. Uruguay Postage Stamp: ONU tree03. Israel postage stamp: Volcani research Just incredible.(This link was sent in by Derek Schille of St. Paul, Minnesota, who's got a hell of an eye. Thanks, buddy.)- - - -THIS THURSDAY, DETROIT: I'll be down there, telling my little story. The event is called "Tall Tales From A Large Man" and is brought to you by AIGA Detroit and Team Detroit. Wow. Kind of official, you know?I'll be showing work, sharing some harrowing accounts, hocking DDC merch and making friends. If you are withing a 1,000 mile radius, well, I expect you to be there. I am backtracing all readership and will be making a list. Free door gifts, too. Possible usage of large words/delivery of small ideas. Wine. Downtown Detroit as the setting. Draplin blood. Steele blood. Be there.- - - -FIELD NOTES FOR OUR YOUNGER CITIZENS: "Field Notes Neon Ice Pops Pack." "Back to school" action. My dad used to laugh at us when we'd talk about going back to school. A mean, cackling laugh just rubbing salt into our wounds. Real nice. These colors should soften the blow, young rascals.- - - -ON THE PLAYER:01. Little Wings - Light Green Leaves02. Paul Westerberg - Come Feel Me Tremble03. Paul Westerberg - Mono