Minneapolis Long Weekend - Day 02
Got up early and got the judging going. Lots of stuff to check out! Eight hours later, my brain was kinda swimmy. I pride myself on being able to pour over lots and lots of shit, multitasking on this and that, but hell, all those entries wore me out. Tired eyes.After wrapping up our judging, we all met up for a Twins game in the big new stadium. Nice place. Open air, looking up at that big skyline a couple blocks away. The Twins won over the Oakland A's. 3-2. all jock shit aside, there's just something awesome about a crowd roaring for their local team. Baseball, man. Go Twins!Then I caught a cab down to the CC Club and met up with one Jason McShane Miller. We went to college together at MCAD. He's does graphic arts for Target and rocks f. We bullshitted up a range of subjects: Replacements lore, work, travel, touring, rock music, fonts, Portland, Minneapolis, dogs, Gary, drunky Brian's poetry slam to the right of me, school days and everything else. You bet.Great to meet Josh and Flora too. Good, solid citizens.Ryno never met up with us, and he was rightly scorned for doing so. Fucker.BEST PART OF THE DAY: Catching up with Jason! Fuck yeah, man. Top-notch.