Minneapolis Long Weekend - Day 01
Flew over to Minneapolis yesterday afternoon, with a quick, flustered layover at Chicago O'Hare. Like anything goes well there, you know? Fuck. Such a crapshoot.Got into the city and Jeff whisked me downtown to meet up with the judging crew at Sea Change. Sea food, you know, for people with five hours and a couple hundred bucks to burn. Not my gig, but I choked down my Halibut without comment. That night I walked over and met Ryno at the King Thai and I, listening to his ex-lady Sara spin records. Good stuff. Then I cruised back and crashed out. You should see this room. I have no business being here. So nice.You oughta see me in that robe! So gross.We had our first day of judging today. So much stuff to check out. Just blasting through tons and tons of Twin Cities work. Kind of disorienting!HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY: Bullshitting with Paul and Graham at supper about all the cool shit they work on. Namely: Method, MTV, Mini Cooper and Dos Equis.