DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - Transparent Cerulean/White” Sustain by Nalgene

DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - Transparent Cerulean/White” Sustain by Nalgene


Product Description:
We drink a ton of water each day. Easily three Nalgene bottles worth, and on a good day, four or five. Good for the body, good for the plumbing! And we finally made our very own “DDC Fluids Unit” and will be recycling the cast of Nalgene bottles that have done the job the last decade. These water bottles never let you down.

Product Details:
01. Beyond durable “Tritan Renew” 50% waste plastic Nalgene bottle, further offsetting the use of fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Small moves that add up!
02. 1-color “Woosh White” imprint on “Transparent Cerulean” Nalgene bottle.
03. 3-1/2" (W) × 8" (H) in dimension.
04. 2" “Wide Mouth” opening and 2-1/2" diameter leak-Proof cap. Easy off and back on, and snug as hell.
05. 32-ish ounce capacity. Fill the things RIGHT to the top for a couple extra ounces!
06. BPA/BPS Free: Drink water that is safe and tastes great!
07. Opaque plastic. We don’t monitor how much water we’ve downed. Just have so much other stuff to do. When it’s gone it’s gone. Is it wet? Down the hatch!
08. Dishwasher safe.
09. Fits filtration devices and wide opening easily fits ice cubes.
10. Lightweight.
11. Made from recycled material.
12. Made in the USA.
13. Drink tons of water! Good for you!

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DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - White/Blue” HDPE by Nalgene everything_else_nalgene_hdpe_white_blue_01.jpg

DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - White/Blue” HDPE by Nalgene

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DDC-148 “DDC Campfire Cup”

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DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - Transparent Clear/Blue” Sustain by Nalgene

DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - Transparent Orange/Black” Sustain by Nalgene everything_else_nalgene_sustain_transparent_orange_black_02.jpg

DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - Transparent Orange/Black” Sustain by Nalgene

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DDC-319 “DDC Fluids Unit - Orange/Black” HDPE by Nalgene
