OUR THIRD SKILLSHARE CLASS: "Customizing Type" is out!!!
GET IT GOING, STUDENTS: Our third Skillshare class is up, out, happening, live, living, learning, loving, going apeshit and GETTING WEIRD right now, right here: “Customizing Type”
Go long, go short, kern it, track it, sketch it…just so long as you stay the hell away from the dreaded “Default” stuff! Let us arm you with a quiver of custom type tools!
Don’t forget our first two, either: “Logo Design with Draplin: Secrets of Shape, Type and Color” and “Circular Logo Design with Draplin: Combine Type & Icons in a Classic Shape”
I look forward to seeing what you guys make!
And hey, thanks to Elliott, Bill and Scott from Skillshare for jumping into the ring with me. Always awesome. Thanks!