DDC BOOK: Out Today!!!
TODAY IS THE DAY: Our book, “Draplin Design Co.: Pretty Much Everything” comes out today!
We’ve been waiting for this one since that surreal day in November of 2014 when we got the call up to the big leagues by John Gall of Abrams Books! Things really heated up when we signed the contracts in March of 2015! That’s when shit went from “maybe, huh, really?” to “we’re doing this thing!”, and quick. And today, the last year of fret, sweat, nightmares, freak-outs, production, color-correcting, scanning, compiling, scheming, kerning, dreaming, wondering, anticipation and general excitement comes to a big ol’ “Pantone Orange 021” head.
Be free, DDC Book. Get out there!
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GRAND CANYONS OF APPRECIATION ARE FELT: To my mom for always being there, to my dad wherever the hell he is in the cosmos, to Leigh for patience, to Leah, Jacob and Oliver, to sister Sarah, to Goo and Dave for helping me shoot shit, to all my rotgut buddies, heroes and mentors who wrote a paragraph on pages 006-007, to Mark Welsh, Neil Dacosta, Aaron Okayama and Micheal Poehlman for photography, Jim Coudal, Michele Seiler, Bryan Bedell, Matt Jorgensen and Dawson and all Field Notes peoples in Chicago,
To John Gall at Abrams Books for reaching out, patience, guidance, goading, excellence and making this happen. To Gabe Levinson, Sarah Massey, Joseph Villella, Devin Grosz, Marti Malovany, Michael Jacobs, Denise LaCongo, Jennifer Brunn, Paul Colarusso, Tina Mories, Mamie VanLangen from Abrams Books.
To Andrea Robinson, Peter Donahue, Mindy Koentopp and Jane Vandenberg of RR Donnelly for helping me make the slipcase. So many people wouldn’t give me the time of day and you guys CAME THROUGH and made it happen for the book. Thank you. Brillianta 4196 forever!
And finally, to all of you who bought one. Thanks, you guys. I didn’t get into graphic design to make books. I got into graphic design to make a living. And today, my fuckin’ mind is blown. Thank you for this privilege and opportunity, and for believing in me. And for believing in the DDC. Thank you.
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EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERYTHING ELSE: When we first got this thing going, I had a long wishlist readied. And man, Abrams hit all the big ones for the book. Debossed cover, Orange 021 spot color throughout the entire book, 256 pages…I was in heaven. And the coolest part, the book would be super affordable at the $39.99 retail price. I was proud as hell of that. I remember not being able to afford big design books. So I’d flip through them and leave ‘em behind. Our book? Viciously affordable.
But of course, I went ape-shit and built a big list of “Everything Else” including a boss slipcase, mini prints, merit badge, decal sheet, bookmarks, a couple sets of fiercely limited edition Field Notes “Pretty Much Everything” edition and other goodies. Mystery items, too. That’s a pretty big pile of stuff.
And just to be clear, the DDC “Everything Else” Enhancement Kit DOES NOT come with the book. Buy that separately. The “EEEK” kit comes with a beautiful slipcase filled with items designed to enhance the book.
BUILT LIKE A BRICK SHITHOUSE: Wait until you see that slipcase up close! Beautiful orange Brillianta fabric wrapping and thick, thick walls. Will Protect your “Pretty Much Everything” from, well, pretty much everything.
ITEMIZED: DDC “Everything Else” Enhancement Kit, Item List:
01. EEEK-001 “Decal Sheet”
02. EEEK-002 “Merit Badge”
03. EEEK-003 “Certificate of Authenticity”
04. EEEK-004 “Mini Print Set”
05. EEEK-005 “Bookmark Set”
06. EEEK-006 “Everything Else Notes”
07. EEEK-007 “DDC Pinback”
08. EEEK-008 “Troll Excerpt”
09. EEEK-009 “PME Slipcase”
10. EEEK-010 “Field Notes Three-Packs”
11. EEEK-0?? “Mystery Items!”
(TO BE CLEAR: The DDC “Everything Else” Enhancement Kit DOES NOT come with the book. Buy that separately. This is for an amazing slipcase, Field Notes, mini prints and a ton of cool extras.)
Click here to get in a little closer at all that gear packed into that slipcase! Ordering details below.
Will Resume Shipping December 1st!!!
READ THIS! The Fine Print:
And just to be crystal clear, the enhancement kitDOES NOTcome with a “Pretty Much Everything” book. Order that off Amazonhere, or find it at a retailer near you. The DDC “Everything Else” Enhancement Kit is a product of the Draplin Design Co., built to ENHANCE the book you bought.
And just to be crystal clear, the enhancement kit DOES NOT come with a "Pretty Much Everything" book. Order that off Amazon here, or find it at a retailer near you. The DDC "Everything Else" Enhancement Kit is a product of the Draplin Design Co., built to ENHANCE the book you bought.