Our Latest Skillshare Class!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Our latest Skillshare class is called “Designing in Circles: Packing Type & Icons into a Simple Shape” and check it out with a ferocious click here.
From the Skillshare site:
Join DDC founder Aaron Draplin for a 60-minute tour de force championing the techniques and challenges of combining type and icons into a circle, a foundational shape of graphic design.
Follow along with Draplin as he creates variations of an often forgotten yet useful object: the travel sticker. From his wizard-like workflow you’ll learn the importance of:
�€� Hierarchy, line-weight, and graphic balance
�€� Key command mastery
�€� Setting up and wrapping up your document
Whether you’re just getting started with Illustrator or are a seasoned graphic veteran, you are sure to learn some new tips and tricks as you create circular designs of your own.
Come give our new class a whirl! Click here and get it going!