This Afternoon At ConvergeSE!
OKAY, SO, YEAH, UH: So I get to Columbia, sort out some room confusion (red underwear?) and then get my ass to sleep. I wake up, make my way over to the museum, check the ConvergeSE merch booth and get punched in the face with this incredible poster series Giovanni made for the ConvergeSE. Foxes? Octopus? Elk? Fire? All there. So good. I don't have a link to them, so, you'll just have to look at the incredible foxes up above and trust me on this: This guy knows his shit. Here's some behind-the-scenes data about his process.Oh yeah, I gave my presentation, and I think it went pretty well. Some new material, where I nerd out on the basics on making logos, tips, tricks, turds and threats. Thanks for coming to the show, Columbia!Good seeing Josh, James and Josh. Fellow entertainers! You know what was a cool moment? When we were all backstage. Right before I said some bullshit about "being nervous having all talent in one spot and if there was an accident, the industry would collapse?" That bit? Well, I'm honored to know you guys. And, to be able to share my bullshit amongst such top-notch fuckers. Really. It hits me in the weirdest of times, and all of back there, bullshitting and laughing, that was cool as hell. Thank you.And thanks to Gene, Sarah, Giovanni and the army of ConvergeSE volunteers for a killer couple of days. Thanks for rolling the dice on the DDC...again! That was our second time! Thanks!