Megafaun Morning / Merge Afternoon
All smiles with the Brothers Cook. Incredible humans. Feel lucky to know 'em!
Met mac from Superchunk and Merge Records! Punch me harder.ONE OF THOSE INCREDIBLE MORNINGS: Got to hang with Brad and Stella Cook! Brad's in Megafaun, and damn, we love that band. They carted me around all day, showing me EVERYTHING awesome about Durham. Nibbled on Videri chocolate and got to see how it's made. Thanks! They even took me into Merge Records where I got to meet Laura and Mac. Been a fan since 1991! We hit record stores and had lunch, saw Phil Cook And His Feat and, Beautiful Family Enterprise, over a tasty panini, and then caught up with All Tiny Creatures' top brass, just before hopping a plane the fuck outta there. Thank you, Brad and Stella! Come to Portland. Mandatory!What a killer day!