Make Party Binding Summer Fun
TONS OF FUN: Martino and George from that Union Binding Co. are down here, and the files are adding up. Bindings, people. Plastic parts with little pad prints. Hunks of EVA foam with designs pressed into them. Paint finishes. Metal parts. Some pretty tech stuff from Martino's side, mixed with George's team-buildery. We're a team, and we pull it off each time!I should mention Johan Malkoski. That Pennywise-jammin' Masshole is a crucial part of our little mess, too. From his perch in Seattle, he brings the "sales side" right up into our faces, up-to-the-minute on the iChat. Technologist, he is.See, who says we can't do this stuff remotely? Italy, Seattle and Portland all fumbling around for a couple days to make shit work. Always proud of what we make. Seriously.