HIDE THE AX, FATHER: Getting a little restless. First rumbling of cabin fever, I'd bet. This "down for the count" shit is getting to me. I got into some emails today, so that was the first step at getting back into the fray. Feeling better and better. No more pain pills. Getting less sleep during the day, and more at night. Little stuff like this means alot, climbing out of the "Valley of Death."I'm wearing a supportive gut wrap thing, and it's called the "Dale Abdomenizer." So each time I put the thing on, I think about Dale swaddling me in supportive, stretchy cotton. Lovingly wrapping me. Daleface. No idea why I am writing this. Weird. Leigh put me up to this. She said, "Without the photo, that's an uncomfortable paragraph."I answered her with this, "I'm just glad to be alive. Glad to be able to tell my story." Top that, ladyforce.