Back Home, Up North
AT REST: We're home, working out of the parents living room here in Michigan. Something we do from time to time. Dragged enough gear back to "get the job done" either here in Lake Ann or somewhere out on the road. Enforcing a strict "whatever the fuck it takes" policy.I'm out here working. And my lovely dame Leigh is gallivanting around town, enjoying time with family, friends and nature.- - - -SPEAKING OF MICHIGAN: It's known as the "Great Lakes State." And up above, that "graphical design" you see there, well, that is being screenprinted on durable fibers as these words go to print. You know, a little "home state pride." Those will be brought to market very soon. Stay tuned.- - - -SMOKE IF YOU GOT 'EM: Who cares if they fit in yer pocket? This guy redesigns cigarette packs to make them more annoying. Interesting as hell. Incredible process.On a weird note, it kinda makes smoking look, uh, fun? Or, interesting? (Thanks, Chris Hanis!)- - - -SOME PRETTY BIG WORDS: The Best Magazine Articles Ever. I've blasted through a couple of those David Foster Wallace ones, and I gotta say, pretty good stuff. Good for plane rides or being locked in a van, hauling eastbound on I-80. (Thanks, D. Schille!)- - - -KING OF THE DEEPS AND KING OF THE BREEDS: We like the sound of that.- - - -COOL SHIT COMING THIS FALL: Schott's got a good lookin' catalog out there, and, a heritage of cool products. Here's proof on both accounts. We back Schott NYC fully.- - - -ON THE PLAYER:01. Gary barking at whatever he wants, around the parental compound.02. Radio Free Interlochen NPR 91.5 FM!