Union Binding Co. Cage Match
UNION'S TOP REPRESENTATIVE IS HERE: Marty's in from Italy, and the shit's hitting the fan. We're hard at work putting graphics on to bindings. Last week, I made a catalog for Coal Headwear. This week, I'm making bindings. Big annual projects. From frying pan to toaster oven. Something like that.Pedal to the metal. No rest for the wicked. We'll sleep when we're dead. I could go on forever. Wait, I want to live forever. Or at least until I'm 86. Don't know what I'm talking about.If you see a guy walking around the building with a confused look on his face, speak some I-Talian to him, and you might get worked over, "mafia style." Or don't.- - - -WHAT YER SEEING ABOVE: That's the cover from our latest Union catalog. Click here to flip through the whole damn book. Wow. A wild Japanese link! That's something we made last October. Our yearly catalog. Already revving up the engines on the next one. (Thanks Johan, you big pile of Skykomish.)- - - -THIS ONE'S OFFICIAL: Modern Dog's got their paws in a new book project called Inside The World of Board Graphics. The DDC is proud to announce "some contributing" to the project! Real excited for this one. I've been watching that Modern Dog since I can remember. They've always been that "making cool stuff for cool people" kind of shop, and I've always looked up to that. Now I want to meet those hounds!- - - -MAN, NO ONE TELLS ME NOTHING: How could I have missed this? Cry for me, readership. Specifically, Joseph Hughes on that Ohio Northcoast. Whip up some big ol' tears for me man, cuz I completely missed Gizmodo's fuckin' commanding "Lego Minifig Timeline."Incredible. For the record: I was right there for those first red, yellow and white space minifigs when they hit the scene, and tear up thinking about how cool they were when I was six or whatever, and just hwo blown away I was by those space sets. Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. It was great having you guys out here. Missing you guys real bad, already.- - - -ON THE PLAYER:01. Centro-Matic - The Static Vs. The Strings02. Sugar - Copper Blue03. Bad Brains - Quickness04. Archers of Loaf - All The Nation's Airports