Rolled The Sleeves Up For Mr. Neill
WE MAKE GRAPHIC DESIGN, SOMETIMES FOR LOCAL LUMINARIES: Here's proof. Casey Neill got in touch with me at the start of the year about designing up his new album "So Long To The Rank And File." Turns out he saw the Richmond Fontaine album I made, and that's how we struck a deal. Nice, nice fella with an easygoing way about him. Dug him instantly.The album's been out for some time now, and I finally got my very own copy a little over a month back. Very proud to have rolled my sleeves up for Mr. Neill.Check out a big, swarthy version of cover here.The cover was shot by David Belisle who's done a lot of work for an up-and-coming band out of Athens, Geor. called "R.E.M." Impressive stuff.Then, go check out his site. They updated it with some of my scrawl! So fun to see it getting the job done for Casey and those Norway Rats. Have a great tour, man, and thanks for betting on the DDC!- - - -FROM NASHVILLE, BEFORE THE FLOODS: Lambchop crooning on Daytrotter.And while you are Daytrottin', here's some David Rawlins Machine. I just love his stuff. Old guitars. Old wood.- - - -ONE OF THE BEST EYES GOING: Reference Library went to Brimfield, with the kind of eye you only wish you had. I missed all of these treasures, looking for the kind of crap I look for. Get in there. Wish we could've shared a Faddy's catchin' up on all the good stuff, buddy! Next time.- - - -A QUICK ONE FOR YA: A mess of old men's adventure magazines. Get in there and and battle a big boa constrictor or rabid bats or something. The guy who put it up goes by "Subtropic Bob." Now that's a cool name. Really.- - - -KINDA HARD TO CATEGORIZE THIS ONE: How about "My Dad Used To Tell Me These Were For Gnomes." Yeah, that's works. Okay, here goes: Canadian Tent Display. Still think about pixies and trolls and shit using these, to this day. Thanks, Dad.- - - -DAYTROTTER ON THE PLAYER, VIA INTERNET TUBES:01. Daytrotter Lambchop02. Daytrotter Hold Steady03. Daytrotter David Rawlins Machine04. Daytrotter Deer Tick