Brimfield, Pre-Game
Honestly, this one came down so fast, I don't really have too much to ape or elaborate on. I know this much: This post by the good people of ACL got me so fired up that I couldn't see straight. I slept on it. Checked in with Rose up in Vermont. Prayed to find guidance. Spoke with my lovely girlfriend Leigh about the ramifications of a decision to go. Consulted with Gary. Lied through my teeth to Goo and Nakamoto. Then woke up yesterday, and raced down to the shop and popped for a ticket.Just like that.Like 5000 acres of junk, or something. But the word is the shit's premium stuff, and the the dealers "know what they've got." Hmmm.Rose (Sorry, his suck-ass secret web site is still in "beta" phase) rented a cabin in the woods just outside of Brimfield and I got the greenlight to share his bed with him. Those aren't pillows.Boston's R. Cotton chimed in a bit, too. She's a veteran of the Brimfield game and had this to say, "You're supposed to wear a homemade shirt that says what you collect, so vendors can spot you and people into similar stuff can chat you up."Being the industrious fucks we are, we thought up a couple shirt options.Check these Brimfielders out!Gotta go hop my flight up to Burlington...a town known for Dancehall Reggae. Real sweet.