March Junkin' Report
February was busy as shit, with travel travel travel. We were all over the place. International ports, even. Not too much junkin' to be had over there. Too busy looking at weird buildings or freaking out about fantastic and horrific accounts from history long ago, and not so long ago.So February whipped by, and then March punched us right in the face. And we were lucky to go junkin' a handful of times around the greater Portland area. And here's some of the shit that stopped us in our tracks. Our sorta monthly "Junkin' Report." Maybe this could be a regular thing? January was a good month for it. Here's proof from that one.So it's spring time, and we're out there rescuing shit all over the place. And we made a set for you to see all the cool shit. Here goes...Get dirty with us: "Junkin' Report, March 2010"- - - -SOMETHING OVERHEARD TODAY: "CS5, already? Seriously." The kind of shit we take heed with. But c'mon, I'm still trying to figure out all the shit in CS4. Weird.- - - -WE GOT INTERVIEWED BY CLINT DAVID WALKINGSTICK: For his Eye Say Design site. Here it is, folks: "From IN-house to IN-dependent with Aaron Draplin." Good words, people. Fought hard to be able to write that stuff. Beaming with pride this stuff is staying afloat.- - - -THIS ONE IS FOR FRED: A very young Tom Waits. (Ripped off's daily signals digital offering.)- - - -ON THE PLAYER:01. Baroness - Red Album02. Richard Davies - Sign Up Maybe For Being EP03. Sebadoh - Bakesale