"Worth the goddamned nine bucks." -A. Draplin, DDC, Shift Foreman"No 'monkey business' going on in this one." -Nicole Kass, Grenade Gloves, Common Sense Dept."A real thrillride!" -Matt Kass, Grenade Gloves, Giant Stomach for Risk"He (Kong) had a hard life." -Jeff Baker, Snowboard Magazine, Editor- - - -But of course, I have a couple gripes. I'm sure some Art Director will win a grillion awards for the set design, I mean, it is inevitable with a movie of this magnitude. But one thing that kills me, over and over again, is the lack of respect for typefaces and their time periods.Max Miedinger's Helvetica Bold Condensed was not around in 1930. Not until 1951. He'd roll over in his grave. What the movie needed more of, with those amazing city streets shots was, Renner's "Futura Bold," Hoefler's "Gotham" and Anderson's "Stratum." They would have fit more.To the set designers: "Rookie moves, you fuckers."