DDC:GAA:FT: 10102005:L05:D27
Caught my flight this morning, after a frenzied marathon session of page making. Stayed up the whole night, and, found myself realizing in an ugly way, "This ain't as easy as it was when I was 21." Shit.Nunez scooted me out to the airport, half asleep. Both of us. Thanks.Was on the plane in no time, settling into a seat in the first class.In the first class...I'll be damned.Up in First Class with the suits and old ladies who ask for tea every 15 minute, then, bitch about how hot it is.My NWA WorldPerks SilverElite status awarded me a free upgrade. I put up no fight. Sat next to some suit who was organizing Linkin Park songs on his itunes on his Dell laptop. Y'know, that "wild side" of himself coming through on the business flight.Smooth sailing all the way to Detroit, for some four hours. Went AWOL and missed my connector flight up to Traverse City, instead, opting for a ride my mom waiting out in the "pickup area." Much better to ride up north with her.Got up to TC kinda late. Good to be back in the Midwest. No shit.