Sir Wellington
Goddammit.I'll be a 'smooth-haired-hind-quarter-of-a-Dachshund" if this photo didn't just completely "stop me in my tracks" this morning. Meet "Sir Wellington" of the Leigh + Matt Capozzi Estate of Southern California. He's got "that look." We can tell. Like Gary, he's "all heart" and well, I know the readers of this questionable blog will agree. (Some won't, as, we haven't given up any real estate for prior poochie submissions. This is set to change, so, simmer down.)CALL FOR DOGLEGS: Get those images in. We are working up the "Gary Affiliations" page at the moment. Include some info about the little fucker, including: Sleeping habits, temperment, toy of choice, dogbreath rating, stool specifications and Pantone coat color.