From The Vault of Samsel
About a year a back, upon completion of the house deal, I flew mom and dad out to help me "break the place in" and threw a little housewarming shindig, inviting all colleagues of the DDC Factory Floor.Well, about 70 tramps, mendicants and hustlers showed up over the course of the day. Thanks to all who came. Those who missed it, well, yer still on our shitlist.Eric Samsel, husband, dad-to-be, dug up some photos of the event and sent them over. Due to the busy-ness of giving tours, talking shit and munching things off the grill; I didn't get a chance to shoot any of the day's events. So, we'll let these shots be the record of things.01. "The Barbecutioner strikes at noon."02. "Dip."03. "Trash receptables."04. "Arlie and Aaron, fascinated by the conversation."