Glad To Be Back
This shot is cleverly titled, "Shitfaced on the Streets of Münich, Making Friends"- - - -Back from Münich. Full report still up in the air, yet, locked in bits of electronic data on the road rig 'puter.Glad to be back, of course. Missed home, missed my gal, missed America.Now I'm off to Hailey, Idaho for a couple days to wrastle my crewmembers from Snowboard magazine into compliance for all things design, content and image-related to next year's editorial gameplan. I'm catching an eastbound ride with Baker tonight, hauling ass some 550 miles out to goddamn "Middle-Of-Nowhere, Idaho." A long haul.Then back on Saturday to catch Westerberg at the Roseland. Good shit. Full band, I guess.The drums got the shit beat out of them that last couple days. Completely rhythm-less, we'd bet.