We’re doing our best to climb out of the depths of our holiday season depression, one day at a time. Bein’ far away from home just plain hurts, and well, it fucks with the normal day-to-day momentum we’ve come to thrive on. We’ll be missing yet another “Christmas at Home” this year. That, coupled with somewhat-recent changes in gal relations has really left us in a funk. We try to be stoic, but crumble.
Plans are in order to spend Christmas day with Rod Snell, and we all know that’s a good thing, as he’s the closest thing we have to family out here. Good people. We are heading off to that big New York City just a couple days after we sober up form our drunken Yuletide bender, to ring the new year in with those goddamn Cooley Brothers. Much excitement is felt, as we ready ourselves for our journey east to the city.
Goo, of CINCO design lore, just got back from NYC and had this to say, “Man, I kind of like it there.”
It’s been raining for a week, and well, it’s pretty dreary and cold out when I get up to go to work. I like it for the most part, but wish I was trudging through snow like so many of you out there. Personally, I like the white stuff. Hopefully New York city will be cold as hell, with snowbanks and such. I look forward to gettin’ real good and frostbit.
In the spirit of saving a little bit here and there, we have managed to go the whole fall and early winter without having to turn the heat on in the bedroom. Some nights call for socks, sweatpants and maybe a sweatshirt as standard issue gear–down deep under a couple down comforters–in order to battle the cold. No big deal. But I’ll tell you what, when that electric bill comes, it’s a lot easier to accept a 30 dollar tab, versus something in the 100’s. I’m sure January will force me to get the heat going back there. Then I can go back to my normal process of “sweating like a pig” all night long.