Cinco Two Month Mark
Friday, go figure. Couple days away from the two month mark.
Things are good in the Northwest. Matt Cooley is in town from Minneapolis . He’ll be here for the summer doing intern duties for the dungeons and dragons playin’ fools at NEMO design. He’s excited.
We battled a squirrel this morning in the penthouse. Just before taking off for work the little beast scurried in through a cracked window. He was big too, well over a foot long with large fangs and red eyes. Fuck ‘em, we were in for a battle. And go to war we did. I apprehended the cats and quarantined them in the mudroom. They were safe and weren’t gonna be needed. (The last thing I needed was Melissa’s allegations concerning any feline mistreatment or rabies inquiries I’m sure they would have put up a good fight, but a naive one, as Melissa has successfully raised 2 of the wimpiest cats known to the domestic kingdom.)
Things were getting heavy. Matt flanked him while I stood on a chair. No, wait. Matt prodded him with a broom while I directed the operation. The little critter was spry and dashed to and fro throughout the inner confines. Spaces below couches and corner were suddenly popular and the focus of our attention. More than a couple time the little fucker would make a break for a window only to bounce of a molding or something, get spooked and retreat to another corner of the flat. We were screaming like small children.
He finally got savvy and scampered out a window back onto the roof. All in all the altercation lasted well over an hour, making me late for the daily grind. God’s little creatures, big and small don’t get any breaks on the Draplindustries Factory Floor, you can bet yer little furry ass on it.
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No big plans are scheduled for this weekend. Prob’ly some graphic arts, and some tube, and some more graphic arts.