Swiggin' Beam
Been a good weekend. Fruitful. Got a lot done as far as freelance stuff goes. Feels real good to complete different levels of projects. I actually like thinking about the work at hand. Usually I’ll just get to wondering about the project’s progress and get a bit of a sick, uneasy feeling. Always wondering if the slides will come through or if I’ll screw something up. The smallest typos haunt us the most. Little fuckers can absolutely ruin one’s day. So yeah, lots of freelance endeavors (still) whirling around and slowly chiseling away towards freedom.
Slave to the man: All spoils from my weekend “desktop activities” go right to my credit cards. Gotta pay that shit off so I can pack it up and head home.
Forgot to tell you about the “moment-of-the-month” from last weekend:
Cruised up to Long Beach to hang with a friend. Enjoyed Long Beach proper and into San Pedro. Mike Watt is from Pedro. All those lyrics, “Pedro bound….” and colorful imagery of Watt peddlin’ around Pedro flooded the thinker. A couple lights and a turn later I found myself in front of Watt’s pad. The boat was docked, takin’ a breather from the open seas. What a van. Pulling up another 10 feet you can stare up Watt’s stairs way up to his 3rd floor perch. Watt’s pad. Amazing, fucking amazing. Wanted to run up those stairs and knock on his door to say hello. But then again, his time off the road should be his time. I’m a fan. Not a stalker. Cool stuff. Moment of the month. Watt does things econo. he’ll be on tour all fall long. Dig him.
Friday night:
Ended up in Encinitas with the dudes for a night. Embryonic Ruckville was having another one of his barbeques, complete with tasty little dips and crackers and shit. Lots of Encinitas-ish industry types walking around with handfuls of munchies. Oh yeah, “industry” as in, “snowboard industry types.” Sorry, got those snowboard dude blinders on again as if this stuff was the pinnacle of action sports. Embry has a nice little joint. Good images on the walls, tunes and a nice yard to look up at the stars in. Many thanks to the man.
Got real blasted, swiggin’ on a little Beam here and there. Devil’s juice, fire water, dumb elixir…but I gotta say, every now and again I get a hankering to get loaded. The world just gets sort of blurry and unimportant.
Nothing real memorable about the night. Good to see Embry and Lanningham and Jardine. Otherwise, real tired of snowboard people. Real tired.
Thanks to Rose and Bridges for the couch to crash on. Had to sleep that blur off. Lost my cool, had to get it back before I manned “Big S” for the ride back to perfectville.
Perfectville, yeah. Oh man, I gotta get the fuck out of here. I’m tired of missing that big city Minneapolis. Enjoy what’s left of sunday and give ‘em hell tomorrow morning.