"Hell Week" Is Behind Us
The toughest week of the year is behind us. We’re wrapping up our september issue right now with flying colors. That’s our biggest issue of the year, and the ugliest to compile. It’s damn near finished. Look for it on the stands in August. A year ago right now we were caught in quite a shitstorm. We redefined the parameters of being “really late” on our page submissions. We set new records and almost broke the bank. We fought, we bloodied, we fucked the edges up…but nevertheless, the issue was pretty good, even for a first time effort.
Melissa is leaving on July 31st. Real excited to get the house back to normal. The space will be lonely, but welcomed. Gonna splay all my legos out on the floor and get a city going. Dining room? Hell now, that’s the couch. Lego room?, you bet. Excited to see her going. She’ll do better back in Minneapolis. Bit sad too. Oh well.
The new Whiskeytown album is amazing. I’m a sucker for this shit for some reason.
My Mom had a birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday to the greatest mom ever. Really. She is an amazing woman and I love her more and more as these months go by out here. Simple conversations make me want to quit this bullshit and head home. The wheels are outside and ready. So Happy Birthday Mom, I love ya.