Draplindustries Gazette no. 15 � January 2000
>> Featuring 2,137 words!
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I have been enjoying great days in Minneapolis. I am at a point of being very comfortable with my surroundings. Class is challenging and fruitful, I have a wonderful gal to hang with, lots to do and see and hear and chow and read around me.
Speaking of reading…I’ve been experiencing these moments of feeling completely overwhelmed when it comes to information intake. Next to the bed is my “reading pile,” comprised of my last couple months worth of textbooks, curator books, mags, novels, catalogs…and just when I seem to be getting a grasp on the bulk of the pile, an onslaught of new material will hit me. Seems like the month space in between the new mags just isn’t enough sometimes and every time I turn around there is a new book I just have to have. Information overload, goddamn straight, and…I love it.
I guess I’m just at a little point where I’m really digging the city life. After a couple of nothing-filled weeks in Bend last month I quickly realized how accustomed I have become to buses and bodies and noise. I missed all of it in a weird way. There is a different sort of energy around in the city (and no, nothing new age-esque here in my thinking…) and it sort of propels you to move move move. Bend was so slow. I’m actually thinking of trying to bear the summer down here. The offer to go back to the Alaska train is there and I’m nibbling the hook. But I gotta try the lower 48 for a summer. I might surprise myself? The thought of being close to the family in the warm months feels good. I’m gonna cruise back to Michigan for some relaxin’ in the sun with Dad.
Speaking of my Dad, his birthday is on the 1st. He’ll be a rather whopping 57 years old. 57 years of pure, unadulterated, obnoxious action…the sort of stuff that makes me love him so much. So goddamnitall, raise those mice and keyboards to my Dad, Jim Draplin of Traverse City, in honor of his 57th big one. Long may you run, you old fucker.
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In other family news, my little sister Sarah is in the Minneapolis area. She just finished up some big Audiology deal at Central Michigan University and is on the job interning. Four classmates from her program were selected by the Starkey Hearing Aid Corporation of Minneapolis for six weeks of building, soldering, fitting, testing and sweeping up. Oh, they have an unlimited lunch chow budget too. They set her up with a fully furnished apartment. She has her own little digs for the duration. And, here’s the best part: Cable Television. Yes, I love her and all, but that cable action makes it bearable to hang down there. I spent the whole day a spell back on the couch watching the History Channel, Discover, TLC, Animal Planet and a little bit of Fox while the girls went shopping. I love documentaries, to the point of compulsion. True crime, detailed with sexy voice-overs and biographies and animal shows….yum.
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School is ripping right along. Lots of good news to detail. I’ll spare you and keep it concise.
1. I’m busy.
2. My instructors in my design classes are amazing individuals.
3. I won another scholarship and am very thankful. Thanks to CLT / MCAD Design Div.
4. Merit Scholarships are coming up again and I’m going for the gold.
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Go out to a local toy store and shop for Tech Deck fingerboards. Good lord almighty, there is a power above. Once yer fingers “step foot” on one of these little boards, at once you know you are home again. Amazing little construction with fully functional trucks and wheels and griptape. I’m landing 360 kickflips, 360 hardflips, nose/board/tailslides and working on my ollies. And the graphics! Something like 20 skateboard companies have their little signature models in the mix. I’m hot for Black Label and anything Lucero had anything to do with. You can also buy little plastic jump ramps and picnic tables and a crummy halfpipe. Okay, the perfect finger board is built for you now, so build yer own course. Matte board and Elmers glue will do the trick. Amazing. Once again, sideways folk: Tech Deck fingerboards.
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Brian Johnsen is doing amazing things in Indiana, of all places. He’s tearing things up in Lafayette at the University of Indiana. Seems he is leading his class of communications majors and got himself accepted in a prestigious exchange program in Singapore this coming summer, focusing on international communications. He is very amped for the travel and the experience. And man, I thought this bastard was headed for ruin, considering his past and all, and he used to always tell me, “Draplin, you can’t change people.” Yeah, those words may ring true, but whoever turned him into the accomplished, respectable academic he is currently, needs a round of applause. Godspeed to you Johnsen, see you in the Far East or something.
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American Movie
Scan the cultural pages in yer local municipality for the nearest screening of the phenomenal documentary “American Movie” by Midwestern Indie film guy Chris Smith. This docu-drama chronicles the pursuit of the American Dream through the cinematic eyes of Mike Borchardt, man. Borchardt has big dreams when it comes to filmmaking, utilizing every bit of funds, friends and available surroundings for the cause. His pal Mike Schank is worth the ticket price on his own. Set in suburbia Milwaukee. Thick accents, y’know?. Swear words. Laughs, heartbreak, determination, accomplishment, mullet hair cuts. Don’t miss this one. The human spirit will thrive.
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The latest news from www.camworld.org is that Cameron is gearing up for a move to the Big Apple. Word is he jumped up a notch on the internet foodchain. We wish him the best of luck, and congrats too. In the latest issue of “How” magazine, www.camworld.org was included in a snippet titled, “Where designers like to hang out on the web.”
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Polaroid Mania! A couple weeks back Melissa and I are in the Target stocking up on useless items and I stumbled upon this crafty little Polaroid camera called the “I-Zone” camera. The photos are 1”x1.25” in dimension and have little sticky backs for scrapbooks or other uses. Just like in nature, the “cuteness” factor plays a big role in these little emulsion wonders. Seems like no matter what the subject or composition, it’s a winner with the I-Zone deal. Damn, I sound like some kind of commercial. Well, let me tell you what, I could care less if this little gazette persuades any valued reader’s decision in the instant image-making genre. These little humdingers amaze me and will drain my pockets of much needed funds.
And, in addendum to the festive ‘instant photo-makin’ section of this gazette, be sure to give the little Polaroid “Joycam” a fair shake too. Upping the ante a bit here, the format jumps up to an interesting 2.125”x3.00” in dimension. Great instant fun, but spendy. Be careful with the Joycam’s shutter button, as it is exposed and sticking up at all times and you might be pleasantly surprised with an unwanted exposure whilst stuffing it into yer backpack (just as I did.).
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Spitting: The superstition widely persists that spitting on the bait gives good luck to the fisherman; spitting on the hands also forebodes good; spitting into the left palm and slapping it with the right (using index finger), observing the splash, will give the direction wherein a lot article may be found (boys say: “Spit, spat, where is the ball at?” or “spit, spat, spo, where did it go?”); spitting in the hole where a bush is to be planted is a ritual of good luck.
Draplindustries has no problem with spittin’.
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Instant Revenge against an obscene phone caller: Keep a referee’s whistle handy to respond with a shrill, earsplitting blast into the speaker of your telephone. This is applicable to quite the variety of calls, in example: 1. Phone companies peddling the latest rates 2. Telemarketer types looking to “survey”. 3. People trying to sell you subscriptions to the local newspaper. Fun for everyone. Lots of laugh. Simple Instructions. No small parts. Memories for years to come.
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I like containers. I like little boxes. I like things that hold things. I love aluminum items that fall into these categories. Aluminum is number 13 on the periodic table.
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Thanks to Mom and Dad for the “Millennium Gift”. Once every thousand years this little opportunity comes around! So I did a little thinking and went out and bought myself a TV. The Bank of Draplin back home promptly reimbursed me. Thank you so much. So with a TV, well, you gotta have a VCR, so…I went out and bought one. What the hell. After long days in the trenches Melissa and I will grab a video and chill. She likes documentaries too.
The reality of having a TV/VCR combo in the inner sanctum is a dangerous one, as I have recently found myself trying to get the reception dialed in for great programs like “Win More Money Than Anyone On Yer Block For Answering Dumb Questions” and “Fox’s Most Amazing Moments Of Human Devastation and Tragedy” and “Four Good Lookin’ Guys and Four Good Lookin’ Girls Struggling With Youth and Love and The Perfect Hair Day”. I think I’ll just stick to the VCR action. Movies are cool. The programs out there are scary.
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Thanks again for listening, and we really hope that somewhere in this gazette, the words inspired you or made you roll yer eyes or whatever…we’re talking reactions, folks.
+ Thanks to pretty Melissa for making great toast.
Aaron James Draplin
Draplindustries Design Co
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Listening to the last couple days:
1. Pernice Bothers - Chappaquiddick Skyline
2. Promise Ring - Very Emergency
3. Beth Orton - Central Reservation
4. Lots of Sugar
5. Lots of Replacements
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Read “Adbusters”.
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Draplindustries Design Co Top Fifty Discs, 1000-1999 AD
1. Dinosaur Jr - Green Mind
2. Son Volt - Trace
3. Flaming Lips - Clouds Taste Metallic
4. Uncle Tupelo - Anodyne
5. Paw - Death To Traitors
6. Sting - Dream of the Blue Turtles
7. Son Volt - Straightaways
8. Swervedriver - Raise
9. Dinosaur Jr - Where You Been
10. Dead Kennedys - Frankenchrist
11. Pavement - Crooked, Crooked Rain
12. Nirvana - Nevermind
13. Butthole Surfers - Hairway to Steven
14. Paw - Dragline
15. Nick Drake Box Set
16. Shellac - At Action Park
17. Mercury Rev - Deserter’s Songs
18. REM - Document
19. The Cult - Electric
20. Neil Young - Harvest
21. Sebadoh - Bakesale
22. Flaming Lips - Transmissions fom the Satellite Heart
23. Red House Painters - Songs for a Blue Guitar
24. Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
25. Swell - 41
26. Idaho - Year After Year
27. Uncle Tupelo - No Depression
28. Jesus Lizard - Goat
29. Built To Spill - There’s Nothing Wrong With Love
30. Buffalo Tom - Big Red Letter day
31. Uncle Tupelo - Still Feel Gone
32. Richard Buckner - Since
33. Lemonheads - It’s a Shame About Ray
34. Firehose- Ragin’ Full on
35. Josh Rouse - Dressed Up Like Nebraska
36. Old 97’s - Too Far To Care
37. Slint - Spiderland
38. U2 -The Joshua Tree
39. Metallica - And Justice for All
40. Mule No.1
41. Sugar - Copper Blue
42. Crosby, Stills, Nash + Young - So Far
43. Danzig - Danzig
44. Dinosaur Jr - Hand It Over
45. Superchunk - No Pocky For Kitty
46. Sonic Youth - Dirty
47. Red House Painters - Ocean Beach
48. Wheat - Hope And Adams
49. Wilco - AM
50. Scenic - Acquatica
(I don’t really know why I made a top 50 list, maybe just a little time capsule of sorts. It was really hard to pin the titles against each other, trying to think back all the years I’ve listening to tunes and trying to place them in order of what I listened to the most, etc.)