Quarter-Century Blues
Draplindustries Gazette #2
October, 1998
Quarter-Century Blues:
I turned 25 yesterday and the bones already hurt.
Built to Spill tonight downtown, gonna meet the band through friends at my apartment complex, snap some shots, dig some tunes: Rock.
School is ultra-consuming and each week hauls by too fast.
My parents are coming for Thanksgiving. Yay.
Picks for yer player:
- Son Volt-wide swing tremolo
- PW Long's Reelfoot-Hit me again
- Varnaline-sweet life
- Buffalo Tom-smitten
- Nick Drake-any and all
- Grasshopper and the Golden Crickets
- Mercury Rev-deserter's songs
- Golden Smog-weird tales
- Built To Spill-there's nothing wrong with love
- Bob Mould-the last dog and pony show
"Tarzana" by Emigre is a nice font.
"The Adventures of Jimmy Corrigan" on Fantagraphics Comics are worth the couple bucks.
"Ronin" the other night didn't blow my skirt up.
Take care y'all...dig those fall colors.
aaron james draplin