Early Service
Okay, okay, okay. I gotta get this one off my chest: When you go to Austin, everything is going so fast, you just get swept up in it, and then you start losing track of EVERYTHINGELSENESS, and it’s all breakfast tacos and fire ants and it all goes to pot.
And I completely neglected properly explaining JUST HOW COOL THIS TENT THINGIE was that Preacher put on! Or maybe I was supposed to keep it under wraps? I can’t remember now. What, only Austinites who attended that day know about this shindig? NOT ANYMORE.
The biggest, hairiest thank you to Preacher’s Andrew Singleton and Mills Adams for guiding me through the whole run-up. Talented fellas, bursting with ideas who wrote CLEVER copy to back each piece up. And those two sorta got the prickly end of the DDC cactus, if you know what I’m saying. And I feel bad for that. I…uh…fuck…uh…there was just TOO MUCH going on the run-up, and getting my ass down there…the flight gauntlet…rental car shuffle…hotel bullshit…SXSW poster foibles….and then arriving in the parking lot…and being COMPLETELY BLOWN THE FUCK AWAY by what these guys pulled off. The concept, the writing, the banners, the wit, the fun…and I was too fried to take it in FULLY. Thank you for your good work, fellas. Seriously, awesome stuff.
And thank you to Geoff Peveto and Rob Baird for rolling the dice on the DDC and having us down there. So cool.
And holy smokes, thank you to all the folks from Industry Print Shop working in the tent with us! Poster printing! Mobile t-shirt printing! Smiles! High fives! Fucking awesome folks. Wow.
Standing there, Smashburger in hand and looking up at that fuckin’ tent…I kinda had a moment that choked me up. How cool is this? And how lucky am I? Please know it’s something not lost on me, Austin. And just for one night? We should’ve left the sonofabitch up for a month to see how many folks I could convert, who might’ve wafted in from the boulevard.
Draplin’s House of Beliefs
Project Details:
01. Poster and t-shirt graphics.
02. As directed Geoff Peveto, Andrew Singleton and Mills Adams.
03. March 10, 2024.
Get a load of that revival tent! HORRIBLE things were testified too inside this thing.
The T-Shirts
in the Tent
Project Details:
01. T-Shirt graphics for the event.
02. As directed by Andrew Singleton and Mills Adams.
03. Printed live and on the spot by the mobile command crew of Industry Print Shop!
4. March 10, 2024.
FROM PREACHER: “Headless Snakes? George Clinton nod? Just the kinda of funk you want on your new favorite shirt from Preacher and Draplin. All we know is losing your head ain’t such a bad thing every now and again.”
FROM PREACHER: “Draplin meets Preacher meets Armadillo meets Texas heat. Is he napping? Is he sunbathing? He's certainly not dead. Did you know “armadillo” translates to “little armored one” in Spanish? That’s why nothing is keeping this guy down.”
FROM PREACHER: “Here’s a question from Draplin and Preacher: Do you believe in jackalopes? Well, it doesn’t really matter, because jackalopes believe in themselves.”
FROM PREACHER: ”When Draplin and Preacher meet up, it’s a bit of a schmoozefest, but it’s also the happiest exchange of good creative energy and old-school hustle. Buy this shirt, and next time we might invite you to the party!”
Preacher × Field Notes
Limited Edition 3-Pack
From Preacher’s store site: “You know ’em, you love ’em, we’ve got ’em. World Famous Field Notes, created by our buddy Aaron Draplin, are now available in our very own custom 3-pack. Get your Preacher × Field Notes and may your thoughts be saved!
Expertly printed by Graphic Arts Studio, featuring a SappiMcCoy soft touch cover with spot gloss varnish and deft metallic hits. Finch Paper printed with soy-based superior ink. Limited edition set includes three unique covers, paper patterns, and custom staples.
Project Details:
01. Custom Field Notes 3-pack for the “Preacher Sunday Service” event, and beyond. Available in the Preacher gift shop, while supplies last! Snag a couple copies here.
02. Designed by Candice Balbuena and Geoff Peveto, copy writing by Andrew Singleton and Mills Adams, all under the watchful eye of Aaron Draplin and Bryan Bedell.
03. Manufactured by Field Notes.
04. March 10, 2024.