DDC:GAA:FT: 10182005:L06:D35
Out of Louisville, and down towards Nashville. Veered off I-65 to check out the brthplace of Honest Abe Lincoln, only to be turned away. Who closes a National Monument at 4pm?! So I got a bit of a late start, but, c'mon? I wanted to jump that fence, but opted out and got back on the road.I come to Uno, Kentucky, and rolled to a stop.The town consisted of three little buildings, all run-down and dead. Couple houses, that may or may not have folks still living in them. On the corner was a little "custom type" shop ran by A. Ford Smith. So good. Wish the old coot was still around doing business, as, I would've gladly purchased some of his services. I poked around, took some pics and didn't see one car whiz by in the 20 minutes I was there.You don't come across this kind of type mastery just anywhere, and in the "middle of nowhere, Kentucky"? Amazing. Take a look:140. "Uno, Kentucky."141. "to give to a friend..."142. "$12.50 shop minimum."143. "A beautiful letter."144. "A. Ford Smith, Master of Custom Typography."145. "Custom Auto Type."146. "Wanda."147. "Country bacon."148. "Mr. Smith's mailbox."Kept on going due south, through rolling hills and wooded valleys, all the way down to the Tennessee state line.Best sign I saw on the side of the road, "Nite Crawlers, Sandwiches."149. "Wall and shadow."150. "Kentucky countryside."151. "Barns ads, every 20 miles."Holed up outside of Nashville, with the "Nashvegas" skyline glimmering in the distance.152. "Finally got to see some horses."