DDC:GAA:FT: 10162005:L06:D33
Heard a joke the other day about the renaming of the Mason/Dixon line to the "Waffle House Line." Wasn't all that funny. Something about "The South" starting when the Waffle House's start? A good question, and, I have to sorta weigh on the side of, "Yes, it does."I had breakfast at a Waffle House. For the record, the Waffle House "strives to be America's place to eat." This is from a sign on the wall, next to the frying station.I got back on I-75, headed south, then connected with Highway 42, that runs you west and down along the south side of the Ohio River. Rolling hills, green Kentucky bluegrass and trees just starting to change into their Autumn duds. Really nice.You drive for awhile then, come to this straightaway that is sort of, "Factory Alley." Big companies...steel, chemical and electricity generating...just sorta pop up and overwhelm the landscape.121. "Towering smokestack, but yards from the Ohio River."122. "Real tempting, let me tell ya."123. "Somewhere between Highway 42 and I-71, completely lost."Finally got back to the Interstate and shot down to Louisville.124. "Pulling off the Interstate, just south of Louisville."Last night in Covington, I was chatting with a guy and he said, "Yeah, Louisville. It's a city with an identity crisis." He was referring to my question about Louisville being a "city of the South" or not. I'll have to find out for myself. I know this much: I grew up on a pile of bands outta there, namely Slint, Gastr Del Sol and Crain. Nowadays, I'm soothed by Will Oldham and all that Palace stuff. So for now, it's a "City of Peculiar, Beardy, Highly-Thought-Out Indie Rock." How about that?From the Interstate I quickly got myself downtown, and liked what I saw. Coulda just been the "Gold Hour" light, cuz, every city looks good as the sun is setting. Drove around a bit and found Bardstown road, and headed south. I've heard much about this zone. Records stores, guitar shops, book stores, little eateries, cool apartments. "Bohemian" stuff, I guess, much to my reservation to throw out such a term. Bought some new records and took a look around. Liked what I saw. Great "green arrows" as stoplights too. Something new to me.After some meandering I headed back out to the Interstate and settled a room at a Best Western. The high life. Sorta. Good wifi, though. Work was calling so I had to roll up the sleeves and knock some stuff out.Kind of a mellow day. Covered no more than 120 miles, but, (and here's the important part) at a leisurely pace. Kinda disorienting actually, to have some "sufficient time" do spend on "doing nothing." These last bunch of months have been so hectic, all this free time is taking some "getting used to."