Threw Up A Little Color Around The Joint
01. If it ain't one thing, it's the next.02. From frying pan to boiling pot, etc.Wrapped up a hellish week Friday afternoon and rolled the sleeve right back up for a long weekend of painting some walls. Something came over me. The stock "cream" the guy threw up before he sold the joint just wasn't cutting it anymore.We needed some color in the joint. I had a Home Depot card burning a goddamn hole in the pocket since I bought the joint, so Lovejoy and I cruised out to pick some colors.01. ROOM OF LIVING: "Gary Turd" Brown.02. ROOM OF DINING: "Hayseed" Beige.03. SOUTH WALL, ROOM OF DINING: "Pumpkin'd" Orange. Real nice.04. SLEEPING QUARTERS: Whitewash all around, with the "Bllue Ox" Blue on the West Wall.The bathroom, utility porch and Factory Floor entryway are all next. You bet. So nice.
And shit if Home Depot doesn't just have the most amazing cross section of motherfuckers in and out of the place. We were lucky enough to be in line with