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Draplin Design Co., North America


GUEST BLOGGING: From the AIGA Design Envy Blog this week…here’s today’s hot metal post:

I was lucky to be invited to speak at last year’s Build Conference in Belfast. That’s a long way from Portland, Oregon, And the first night we got into town, there was a viewing for Linotype: The Film. Sure, I missed all the premieres and shit back home, and I had to come all the way to Ireland to see it. Whatever it takes, whatever it takes.

So we’ll just say this much: ALL DESIGNERS NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE. Yeah, “All Caps” on that one. We aren’t gonna get into the nitty gritty of the film. That’s for you to discover.

Watch this film, and have a smidge of appreciation for the old ways of our craft.

And for the love of hot metal, if you don’t leave the theater feeling insanely lucky for how easy us designers have it nowadays, well, I don’t know what kind of psychotic, heartless life you are living. Get it together, people.

I haven’t shook Doug Wilson’s hand just yet, but will at some point. He’s a solid guy who’s been supporting our little Field Notes brand since its inception. Thank you, man. And thank you for making such an incredible film.

Get a copy here, and watch it, and then, with each click of that mouse on that slick laptop…be thankful for the way we get to make stuff these days.

There is One Comment

have you seen the linotype machines in portland? i’ve seen a couple in action. hot stuff!

Posted by: jason on 07/19/13 at 6:12 PM
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