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Draplin Design Co., North America
April 28, 2013
Over To Columba, Georgia Today
Posted at 10:25 AM


JUST A COUPLE LITTLE FLIGHTS TODAY: From Columbia to Atlanta, then Atlanta to Columbus. Easy enough. I’m heading to Creative South conference in Columbus, Georgia, into the arms of Mike Jones. Mike Jones, I give you my spirit, you beast!

But before I get into any Mike Jones-ism, check this: Today, while waiting to hop my flight out of Columbia, I’m in the food court munching some eggs and toast, I look up, and holy shit, Steve “The Colonel” Cropper is walking by. Steve Cropper! Memphis Sound! Stax! Blue Brothers! Telecaster legend!

I hopped up, went up to him and shook his hand. Told him I just saw him on PBS playing for the president! Nice, nice guy. So good.

I whipped over to Columbus, got to my hotel, incubated, went out into the world, hugged Tron, Charlie and Mama Sauce peoples at the conference, and finally got to meet Mike Jones. The guy comes from a family of Georgia redwoods, or, something. We all went for supper and I snaked out a little early to get some work done in the room, preparing for my gig tomorrow! The show must go on!

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