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Draplin Design Co., North America

Dad and Oliver meeting Mickey Mouse.

Some guy having a bad morning.

Oliver hanging out with Buzz Lightyear. Awesome costume!

Buzz Lightyear photo zone photo guy stance. Ready for all angles.

Dad and littlest sister Leah Weah Peah.

It truly is a small world. And, you are as insignificant as you thought you were. Wheeeee.

Oliver grips a big tooth, contemplating “sippy cups,” or whatever the hell three-year-olds are concerned about.

Big gators down below us. Big fuckers.

Screaming out of Everest…

Close-up of little-sister-Sarah, almost-brother-in-law Jacob and medicine-ball-head-Aaron-the-smiler. So many hyphens.

King and Queen of all Disney Lands.

ANIMAL KINGDOM, MY ASS: I don’t know if I like zoos. They always freak me out. The animals look sad and lethargic, and I guess I felt that today at the Disney Animal Kingdom. The safari ride kinda freaked me out. I mean, sure, I like seeing hippos and giraffes and shit, but always feel bad for them. Oliver had a hell of a time, and that’s what counts.

Above are photos from the last bunch of days. Highlights, people. Good times.

There is One Comment

I felt the same way about the Animal Kingdom. I asked a worker how they treat the animals, and she was very upfront. Said they feed them very well (so they don’t kill each other) and every night they sleep in cages. That bummed me out.

Posted by: Christopher Michon on 02/11/13 at 5:55 AM
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