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Draplin Design Co., North America
September 12, 2010
Friendly Sunday
Posted at 07:09 PM


Portland ever-expanding MusicFestNW wraps up today, so the weekend has been abuzz with shows to see, but more importantly, friends visiting/people to catch up with, etc.

- Got to see little Oliver yesterday. I kissed him like 40 times. Look at that kid. My nephew. Blood.

- Jared and Nikki from Los Angeles were up here riding bikes and shooting photos.

- Arlie and Totally Tammy were also up from Los Angeles, so it was great to see their smiling faces. Plus, I got to meet Damon from Incase, so that was great. Interesting character. Watches over one hell of a brand.

- Fasil Debeb met Arlie, Damon and I as we were wrapping up breakfast yesterday. I love Fasil Debeb. More Fasil.

Then we went downtown to see The National. And maybe I shouldn’t have, as they just don’t do it for me. At all. Baritone voice? Man, c’mon. No.

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