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Draplin Design Co., North America
April 02, 2010
On Down The Five
Posted at 11:54 PM


Didn’t do a shred of work today.

Instead, did stuff like this:

01. Drove a good distance down The Five.
02. Junked in a little town called, “Drain.”
03. Rolled the dice on roadside junk stores.
04. Marveled at car-width Redwoods, and all mysteries therein.
05. Looked out over a dark, wind-whipping ocean, pondering the depths and phenomena like tsunami, leviathan and riptide.
06. Fell asleep thinking about sketchy coastal people, just outside our motel room.

Dale and I are in Crescent City, getting some shut-eye at the Penny Saver Motel. Classy joint.

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